Wow!  It’s hard to believe 2019 is coming to an end and we are about to enter a new year and a new decade.  Do you remember what you were doing last year this time or even ten years ago?  It’s at moments like this; I find it helpful to stop and reflect on the journey you have been on in growing your business. 

Start by looking back on the goals you set for your business.  Now we often set financial targets or goals to complete tasks that will lead to our financial goals.  Often this leads to feels of failure if you didn’t hit the number or filling great about making the number but not processing how you did it.  Your overall goals should help you with completing the next step.

Next, think about shift your thoughts to what you accomplished.  What a powerful question because if you answer honestly, you will start to focus on the “little” things you’ve done to grow your business.  For example, one of your accomplishments might be:  Got clear on my target market or was consistent at implementing my Facebook Marketing Plan. Your achievements are different from hitting a goal or not.

Now that you have your accomplishments listed, go a little deeper.  Why did each accomplishment matter to you?  To those who love you?  For example, if you become clear on your target market, it might matter to you because you aren’t trying to sell to everyone but can focus on building relationships with those you want to do business with, thus making you enjoy your working in the business.  It might matter to those I love because they can spend time with you without you being in a consistent sales mode.  Put thought into your answers.

There are other questions for you to answer when looking at your accomplishments, but rather than going through them all here, I am gifting you a copy of the workbook I use with my clients to get them to reflect on their accomplishments.

After you have completed looking at your accomplishments, it’s time to take a look at the obstacles.  Start by answering the questions:  What did you want to accomplish but fell short on achieving?  It can be launching that new program, making $100K, or even write one blog post a week.  They can be big or small.

Once you have this list, it’s time to dig deeper still.  What obstacles got in the way of you achieving these goals? It may be, I was unclear about who I wanted to work with, so I spent a lot of my time casting a wide net.  Or it might be I met my financial goal in sales, but my spending was out of control, so I have no profit to show for it. 

See the power in answering these questions.  Once you start to look at your obstacles, you can begin to think about how you will overcome them.  You will also be more aware of what is getting in your way and shift to make corrections.  Reflection is powerful. 

While I could write more on the power for reflection, I am sure you need to get back to preparing for the new decade.  I wish you a happy new year, and I pray 2020 will be a breakthrough year for you.

Praying your success,


P.S. Remember to get your copy of the Review Your Year Workbook.