What do you think of when you hear the words business plan?  You probably think of page after page of text and graphs and boring stats and numbers.  You know, the kind of thing you’d nervously push across the desk to a bank officer in hopes of securing a loan.

I don’t know about you, but I am not looking to secure a loan and don’t want to take the time to piece together a stiff, formal business plan ever year.  Luckily, there is another tool you can use to plan your business success!

The Business Plan That Isn’t

What if you could plan your business with limited text, no graphs, and no boring stats and numbers?   It would instead be fun, colorful photos, and inspirational quotes and phrases? What would that do for your daily motivation and for you to manifest your purpose?

Well, that’s what a vision board will do for you. By collecting images that represent your dreams and aspirations, you’ll have a constant reminder of God’s purpose for your business, and even why you started your business in the first place.

Maybe you want more balance in your life.  Is spending more time with your family, or having enough money to travel the world in your future?   What about severing the community or volunteering for your favorite charity? 

None of these things have a place in a traditional business plan, but they’re perfect for your vision board. More importantly, they’re critical to your long-term success and happiness.  Without your dreams, it’s nearly impossible to remain focused and on track when it comes to business growth, but with these reminders, it’s easier!

Why Vision Boards Work

Does all this feel pretty airy-fairy to you? You’re not alone. Lots of us believe that business is all about numbers and stats and that there was no room for fun when it comes to making money.

I completely disagree!

In fact, some of the most successful people in the world routinely use vision boards to help clarify their dreams and keep their goals in front of  mind. And that’s precisely why vision boards work so well. They allow you to easily see exactly what it is you’re working toward, whether it’s a new home or having time to work in ministry.   

By keeping visual reminders within sight, you’re constantly aware of your “why,” and that’s a powerful motivator, no matter what you’re working on.

Of course, no banker is going to accept your vision board as proof of viability and give you a loan based on it. But when it comes to clarifying your dreams, pinpointing your real goals, and getting excited about your business again, you just can’t beat a personal, colorful vision board.

Give it a try. You might just surprise yourself!