K. Gaskins Consulting

You’ve no doubt heard many online authorities spouting how important it is to start building an email marketing list now.  But, why do they tell you this?

Is it because people continue to check their email every day, often multiple times per day?  Is it that when you sign-up for a social media site they often want your email address. Yes and Yes.  Email is one of the most effective and powerful ways you can communicate online.

People get satisfaction from receiving emails. It can provide the information you want without having to search high and low.  Just think, about the items you have bought because of an email altering you of a sale or emails you get from a service provider that keeps them top of mind.  Email can make you feel like someone cares about you if it is written correctly.

According to a blog post by Email Monks  (Source: https://emailmonks.com/blog/email-marketing/email-marketing-statistics), email accounts worldwide continue to grow. In 2017 there are over 3.7 billion global email users, and that figure is expected to grow to over 4.1 billion by the close of 2021.   In addition:

  • The number of both consumer and business users worldwide is increasing.
  • Email is the most universal form of communication among businesses.
  • Email is a big part of being on the Internet since an email account or address is needed to sign-up for much online activity including social media.

Here are some additional interesting facts about email:

  • Email marketing spending in the United States would grow from 2.07 billion U.S. dollars in 2014 to 3.07 billion U.S. dollars in 2019. (Statista)
  • Email has a median ROI of 122% – over 4x higher than other marketing formats including social media, direct mail, and paid search. (DMA and Demand Metric)
  • 86% of professionals prefer to use email when communicating for business purposes. (Hubspot)
  • 89% marketers said that email was their primary channel for lead generation. (Mailigen)

After reading these facts and statistics you can see why you are being told to start building your email marketing list today.  However, don’t go about it haphazardly.  Develop a plan and execute it.  Over the next few blog posts, we will look at the benefits of growing your email list, how to grow your email list, and how to get started and keep the communication going.

Don’t miss the follow-up blog posts.  Sign-up today to get emails from K. Gaskins Consulting.